Brother Weeps Says Good Night

After a long evening of teaching and dialogue with students, novices, and guests, Brother Weeps rose to go to his room to retire for the night. With his hand on the doorknob, he stopped, turned, and said:

                        the sun is meant to shine,
                        the river to flow,
                        the bird to fly,
                        the fish to swim, but
                        the human person—the human person is meant to—

but just as he finished his sentence, he opened the door. And the door made a loud creak. Then it quietly closed behind him. As he went to his room, they could hear him humming. 

© Dan Miller, All Right Reserved. 2019.

Dear readers of THE ALMOND TREE — feel free to weigh in on this unfinished sentence of Brother Weeps. How would you finish the sentence? Send your response in the comment box below. Thanks, Dan


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