Living Compassionately


   Faith that Does Justice

The Universe Speaks by Manon Doyle

The Universe Speaks by Manon Doyle*

A mature spirituality involves not merely the inner life but rather the fullness of life. Its authenticity, credibility, and integrity are tested by whether it makes us more aware of and responsive to both the delightful and disturbing realities of the world. Consequently, concern for and action on behalf of justice in conjunction with works of charity is a constitutive dimension of a holistic, enlivening, and adult spiritual life. For conscious people and conscientious communities this is not an option. It is an obligation. Working for justice is the gift, privilege, and responsibility that comes not only from our faith but from our personhood, from our connection to one another, and from our innate kinship with all of life.

We will explore the essential ingredients of a holistic spirituality that is rooted in and directed toward love and made visible in the flourishing of justice.

* The Universe Speaks – Manon Doyle,