Brother Weeps and the Secretary of State

Brother Weeps once told us the following story. He began:

“One evening, many years ago, I was watching the evening news. They did a short segment on the United States’ Secretary of State who was returning to Washington, D.C. after a weeks-long trip abroad to discuss foreign affairs and policy with the leaders of several countries. When the plane deboarded the Secretary held a brief press conference on the tarmac.

After offering some general comments about his meetings and the success of his trip, the Secretary of State fielded a few questions.

As the press conference was being brought to a close, one of the Secretary’s handlers said, “Last question.” A reporter piped up, “Mr. Secretary, it sounds like this has been a rather intense, exhausting trip. Will you be taking some time off to stop and smell the roses?”

The Secretary replied, “That’s what I’ve hired my gardener to do,” then ended the interview and walked away.

Brother Weeps said to us, “Then better we’d be if governed by gardeners.”

~ Dan Miller, © 2020. All Rights Reserved.

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on The Sacred Braid. Maybe pass this along. Thank you, Dan

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