Poem 6 for the Season of Creation*

If you have not read the explanation for Lectio Poetica, I encourage you to read it here before reading Oliver’s poem below.


Oh, to love what is lovely, and will not last!
What a task
to ask

of anything, or anyone,

yet it is ours,
and not by the century or the year, but by the hours.

One fall day I heard
above me, and above the sting of the wind, a sound
I did not know, and my look shot upward; it was

a flock of snow geese, winging it
faster than the ones we usually see,
and, being the color of snow, catching the sun

so they were, in part at least, golden.  I

held my breath
as we do
to stop time
when something wonderful
has touched us

as with a match,
which is lit, and bright,
but does not hurt
in the common way,

but delightfully,
as if delight
were the most serious thing
you ever felt.

The geese
flew on,
I have never seen them again.

Maybe I will, someday, somewhere.
Maybe I won’t.
It doesn’t matter.
What matters
is that, when I saw them,
I saw them
as through the veil, secretly, joyfully, clearly.

by Mary Oliver, from Why I Wake Early

• What word, phrase, image, or sentence from Oliver’s poem catches your attention today? Sit quietly for a few moments with it. Then, pray the prayer that comes forth from your meditation. Afterwards, simply sit quietly trusting that what you need is here.

* The Season of Creation, running from September 1 to October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, brother to all life forms especially the most vulnerable, is being celebrated more and more as a liturgical season by Christian communities of faith.

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ARTWORK: Bottom left, Voyage by Lee Lawson,

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