
Today’s Life-Line is:

A person who debases himself,
a malicious man with a forked tongue
saying one thing then the other,

winking smugly with his eyes,
walking his crooked talk,
pointing accusingly with his finger,

devising evil with his heartless heart,
and sowing discord day after day
best beware

of calamity (look it up) —
great misfortune, disaster, grievous affliction, misery —
what goes around comes around

in a moment
he will be broken beyond healing.

There are six things that the Holy One hates,
make that seven,
each one evoking Divine disgust:

  1. the bumptious puffy eyes of the bumptious puffed up ones,
  2. a tongue in love with lies,
  3. the hands of anyone who has the blood of the innocent on them,
  4. a heart that beats in time with the wicked plans it devises,
  5. feet that hastily move toward the immoral or injurious,
  6. a bearer of false witness who carelessly breathes out lies and enjoys disparaging others, and
  7. one who sows discord among those who fail to treat each other
    as the brothers and sisters that they are.

~ Proverbs 6: 12-19 (RMV, Revised [but only a bit] Miller Version)

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