The Mystery of Divine Love ~ A Life-Line

Today’s Life-Line is:

There is suffering in human life and we do not know why it should be. Some we can see as the result of the gift of human freedom. Some we can see as the result of the forces of nature. Some is utterly inscrutable, with an apparent cruelty of fate for which there is no explanation. Some suffering can be ennobling, but not all. Some lives that are burdened with heavy suffering can be rich and fulfilling lives, but why should it have to be so? Railing against God does nothing to help, unless it ventilates an anger that were better directed against the arbitrariness of misfortune. Job’s diatribes against God show there is no solution to be sought in that direction.

Instead there is the encounter with mystery. The mystery of human life which in its vulnerability and frailty can be infinitely precious and treasured. The mystery of human love which can surmount extraordinary pain and suffering. The mystery of divine love which must suffer and grieve with us in our hurt and misery, but which—as we can say to each other—says also to us: “you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you.”1

There is no human language that can cope with the passion of God’s love and the experience of human suffering.Yet there is scarcely any other area of human life where it is so essential that we do not remain silent.

The incarnation and the cross of Christ says it best.2

~ Antony E. Campbell, S.J.

Antony E. Campbell, S.J. The Study Companion to Old Testament Literature
2 Antony E. Campbell, God First Loved Us: The Challenge of Accepting Unconditional Love

Artwork: Van Gogh

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