Musica Memento 8

The famous, former television newscaster Dan Rather has a show called The Big Interview. It’s as much hobby as semi-retired work. As it turns out, Rather is a music lover. Most of his guests are musicians, singer-songwriters, with an occasional actor, screenwriter, or director mixed in. If, like me, you’ve watched more than a handful of these hour-long Q & A’s you will know that after he has peppered his guests with inquiries into their upbringing, family life, early interests in their art form, chosen addictions, battles and recoveries, demons and delights, the costs and benefits of celebrity and fame, favorite songs or scripts they’ve written or films they’ve directed, and predictably after the last commercial break he makes a hard right turn and asks, “So you’re a famous country/rock/movie star, but (a thespian pause) who are you, really?

It always makes me chuckle a bit, feel a bit embarrassed, or talk out loud to the guest on the screen, interjecting a warning like “Here it comes,” during Rather’s pregnant and — for any regular, observant viewer — predictable pause. And often, because his guests obviously do not watch his show, they are thrown off for a moment by Rather’s curveball. So sometimes, he has to repeat himself, as if perhaps to indicate why his show is called The BIG Interview and not The Little or Casual or Hip or Entertainment Tonight or National Enquirer Interview. Maybe it’s the way he says it, how his face tries extra hard to convey an earnestness, depth, and profundity to match and clarify his words. Who are you, really? as opposed to Who are you not really?

Despite my little fun at Rather’s expense at this rounding-third-base moment of each interview, and despite the fact that its sharp, unexpected turn leaves the guests flummoxed and therefore not producing as good an answer had the interviewee been forewarned, it is I will admit, to Rather’s credit, the BIG question, not just of The Big Interview of AXStv but of The BIG Interview of Life.

So, like a Little Leaguer in his backyard by himself, announcing out loud to the birds and the bees the heroic home run he’s about to hit on a 3 and 2 pitch in the bottom of the ninth with two outs and ducks on the pond down by two, I rehearse what I would say to Rather’s question — you know, so when he invites me on to talk about how I’ve handled my fame and fortune, foibles and follies, and then gets that look in his eyes I’ll be ready for his curveball, keep my weight on my back foot until just the right moment when I will shift my weight and hit the ball further than Roy Hobbs, further than the Babe.

When the oxymoronically described “famous monk” Thomas Merton imagined such an exchange, he offered some help to Rather’s imaginary stand-in. He suggested: “If you want to identify me, ask me not where I live, or what I like to eat, or how I comb my hair, but ask me what I am living for, in detail, ask me what I think is keeping me from living fully for the thing I want to live for.”

I’ll take Merton’s pitch and instead take a swing at Rather’s question. I have rehearsed and edited more than a few responses to it, you know, in case Rather has me on two or three times. This morning I will offer just one of my answers, then let you listen to Van, and get on with your day, leaving Rather’s rather important question for you to take a swing at, too.

DAN R: (After the final commercial) So, I know you’re a big deal. I’ve read the clippings your mom saved, perused the fake news reviews posted on your webpage on the drop down “What People Are Saying About Dan” under the “About” button on your menu bar. But (pregnant pause so he can get his curveball grip on the ol’ pea) who are you really?

Dan M: (ready and waiting, not surprised in the least) Who am I? You want to know who I really am, Dan? I’ll tell you who I am. Gladly. I’m a soul in wonder. Yep. I’m a soul in wonder.

PHOTO: Dan (9), brother Chris (5).

Thanks for stopping by THE ALMOND TREE, Goodpeople. Drop a note from time to time. Tell me what’s stirring your heart. Please pass the link on to other souls in wonder. I appreciate it. ~ Dan

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