Jesus and John Wayne

At the top of the hoodoo next to my writing desk, the Leaning Tower of Pisa column of books, I recently made it to a book that has been out since 2020 that I’ve wanted to read—as much as one can desire to read such disturbing news—Kristin Du Mez’ chronicle JESUS AND JOHN WAYNE: HOW WHITE EVANGELICALS CORRUPTED A FAITH AND FRACTURED A NATION. Her detailed research, assessment, and conclusions are apropos and relevant for other non-evangelical American Christians as well as American citizens from other or no religious affiliations who are committed to living in a country that pays more than lip service to democracy, is committed to promoting what is best for the commonweal and especially concerned for the well-being of the most vulnerable among us.

If he hadn’t already been raised from it, Jesus would be rolling over in his grave at the blatant disregard and corruption of his gospel message, especially outlined in the beatitudes he taught as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew and as elucidated in the Sermon on the Mount (Mt. 5-7). Christians are called to participate in the Dream of God coming to fruition “on earth as it is in heaven.” The vision of the reign of God makes no special exceptions or provisions for the shameless coveting of power, for unabashed and incessant lying, deceit, self-aggrandizement, greed, nationalism, American elitism and exclusion, racism, misogyny, homophobia, classism, xenophobia, gerrymandering and blatant partisan shenanigans, ends justifying (partisan) means, or winning at all costs.

Here is an important and good interview with the historian and author Kristin Du Mez. It is well worth the 18 1/2 minutes. There is a particularly poignant and sobering conclusion beginning around 15:20.

• Blurry photo with poor lighting was taken with the palsied hands and bad eyes of yours untruly.

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3 thoughts on “Jesus and John Wayne

  1. Thank you, Dan.
    Did you know that John Wayne converted to Catholicism on his deathbed? His wife was Catholic.
    Mary Ann Gaido

    • Yes. Do we want him on our team? (Let’s see, am I still on the team? Ha!) You might not think so after reading the book.

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