Hidden Treasure & Reeling Joy

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. ~ Mt. 13:44

Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I say to you,
many prophets and kings desired to see what you see,
but did not see it, and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it.
~ Luke 10:23-24

The treasure is buried in the field not so that no one will find it, but so that everyone will look for it. For there is within each person—like a sonar—a yearning for communion with the One in whom we live and move and have our being. The treasure in Mark and Luke’s gospel is called the kingdom or reign of God. In Matthew’s Gospel, written for a Jewish community for whom the Sacred Name was too holy to speak, it is called the reign of heaven. The treasure is the dynamic, life-giving, interconnecting, and liberating presence of divine love. We are wrong to think that finding the treasure happens only once. The treasure is the same, but there are an unlimited number of places where it is alluringly hiding, waiting to be discovered. And whenever or in whatever field this treasure is found, it feels somehow like we have been found as well, and the field always alights with a joy as reeling and slaphappy as a throng of fireflies mooning one another in the night.

♣ ♣ ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SPIRITUAL DIRECTION ONLINE? Would you benefit from having a trustworthy companion to listen to your hopes, struggles, yearnings, and burning questions? Someone who will hold space for you and pay attention with you to your quiet desire to cultivate a life of spiritual depth and meaning and deepen your connection to the One from whom all wonder, joy, and blessings flow? I am offering spiritual direction online. If you, or someone you know, are interested in beginning or returning to spiritual guidance CLICK HERE where you will find both practical information and explanations of spiritual direction. I’d be honored to hear and hold your unfolding story.

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