When Religion Goes off the Rails ~ A Life-Line

Today’s Life-Line is:

Religion becomes sinful when it begins to advocate the segregation of God, to forget that the true sanctuary has no walls. Religion has always suffered from the tendency to become an end in itself, to seclude the holy, to become parochial, self-indulgent, self-seeking; as if the task were not to ennoble human nature but to enhance the power and beauty of its institutions or to enlarge the body of doctrines. It has often done more to canonize prejudices than to wrestle for truth; to petrify the sacred than to sanctify the secular. Yet the task of religion is to be a challenge to the stabilization of values. ~ Abraham Joshua Heschel

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One thought on “When Religion Goes off the Rails ~ A Life-Line

  1. Thank you. Noting that Heschel is the author of this piece I am reminded that sadly the situation we are in is not new.

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